Bingo has announced the launch of its new VR Glasses – Bingo G-200. Bingo G-200 VR Glass is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled, and has a built in screen. The glasses run on Nibiru operating system featuring Android 5.1 Lollipop. The concave-convex lenses of the VR glasses allows users a 100 degree view in 1280 x 720 pixels HD resolution.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Sunday, 6 November 2016
PlayStation VR - the First Real Mass-Market Virtual Reality Headset
Sony's PlayStation VR sets a new bar for the mass-market appeal of virtual reality. Sure, the headset isn't exactly cool looking, but it's lighter and more attractive than competitors such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.At $400 (roughly Rs. 27,000), the PlayStation VR is not cheap. But it's still less expensive than its competitors and doesn't require a high-end computer to work if you have a PlayStation4.For this review, Sony provided a $500 (roughly Rs. 34,000) kit that includes the headset and a charging stand. It also includes a PlayStation camera and two PlayStation Move controllers, which act as your hands in the digital world.
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